Mason Wright

An Affordable Senior Community

Assisted Living  ·  Assisted Memory Care  ·  Independent Living

Our Community Living Room

Our residents enjoy a wide variety of options for recreation in locations throughout our campus.

Learn More About Mason Wright

Route 66 Diner

Whether it's for bingo or breakfast, our own Route 66 Diner is one of many activity areas where residents can feel like they have gone someplace else without leaving the building!

Bright Futures

Our on-site early learning center for children means a brighter today for our residents, with ample opportunity for them to enjoy companionship, crafts and chorus with children.

Court Square

From puzzles to crafts to feature films, our Court Square is always alive with activity, just like the original Court square theater that opened in Springfield in 1892.
Assisted Living Dining Room

Assisted Living

Our assisted living residence consists of one-bedroom and studio apartments, all with private bath. You can enjoy life in the privacy of your apartment, in the common areas on your floor, or in our comfortable, fire-placed living and dining rooms. (Home is where the hearth is!)

Mason Wright - Memory Care Sensory Room

Assisted Memory Care

While many of us commonly refer to dementia as “memory impairment,” it typically affects much more than memory. You may have noticed various symptoms in a person you care about, such as confusion, depression, wandering, agitation, and memory loss, or one of many other symptoms.

Mason Wright Independent Living

Independent Living

Seniors who are able to live independently enjoy the comfort, security and services of our spacious independent living apartments.

Mason Wright - Quality of Life, Quality Living

Quality of Life, Quality Living

Mason Wright, An Affordable Senior Community

Welcome to Mason Wright, an affordable senior community that combines the comfort and security of a small town neighborhood with the conveniences and attractions of the Springfield area. We are proud of our long-standing commitment to excellence in affordable assisted and independent living. Whether you are seeking an independent apartment, an apartment with assistance in daily living, or a memory care apartment with assistance, you will find that we pay extraordinary attention to the needs of our residents.

Our Mission & Values

We are dedicated to serving traditionally underserved people by providing quality housing and daily living services to seniors and early education to children.

Our values guide us in service to our mission…

Respect – We are committed to treating people with compassion and dignity.
Excellence – We aspire to attain the highest standards of quality in all that we do.
Stewardship – We believe in caring for those we serve, caring for each other, and caring for our future.

Thank you for your interest in our community.

For information regarding admissions, please download our form and return it to us by email, fax or postal mail.


Fax: 413-747-8357

Mason Wright Senior Living
74 Walnut Street
Springfield, MA  01105

Thank you! We look forward to hearing from you. 

I've lived at Mason Wright for over five years and have never regretted moving here! I love the food, the people, going on shopping trips and other outings. I also love playing pool with friends in our "Smith's Billiards' Lounge!"
We have been together 60 years & I am so thankful to be able to be with him throughout his illness and in this next stage of life. Being here together alleviates a lot of stress and loneliness. We are able to watch movies together, we eat dinner together, we paint & we spend time outside. I think the staff here are wonderful.
I moved in July 2017, had a friend that lived here 24 years ago. During a visit, I said, when I'm old enough, I'm going to live here. When I turned 61, I put in an application and when I turned 62, I came to check the status of my application on a Friday and moved in the next Monday. The apartment had everything that I could want and need, and I knew that I would never have to move again.
Georgette, a life-long musician, has been living at Mason Wright since November, 2020 and says: “I love the hominess here. The management team are all very caring. I’ve made new friends and am regularly able to share my God-given talent of music with others.”