Cathy Laleta Ballini
Executive Director
Cathy has been with Mason Wright since the end of 2022 and comes with over 20 years experience in the assisted living industry.
Cathy brings experience from working for communities exclusively serving residents with Alzheimer’s disease and memory impairments, along with caring for both traditional assisted living and independent living residents. Cathy is passionate about providing quality care and support to older adults and their families, especially those suffering from cognitive impairments.
Cathy enjoys traveling, cooking and spending time with her son.
Cathy has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Marketing from Western New England University.
Loren Bermudez
Business Office Manager
Loren Bermudez, Business Office Manager, came to Mason Wright in 2022 as an Administrative Assistant with 4 years of administration experience. Prior to coming to Mason Wright, Loren worked for the Hatfield and Orange public school district managing a team of 4 testers while administering covid testing to children in efforts to control the spread of covid-19.
In 2011, she received a Medical Assistant Certificate from Brandford Hall Career Institue and worked for a private family practice. In 2014, Loren received a Medical Office Certificate from Manchester Community College.
Loren finds joy and a sense of satisfaction in helping others around her. She loves to travel and enjoys spending quality time with her family and 3 incredible children- oldest son Dimonie, middle son Liam and only daughter Alina. On Loren’s free time, she supports her kids in recreational and school sport activities while planning her next travel destination. Her main goal is to return to school to achieve a degree in business management as well as a license in real estate brokerage so that she can open her own real estate business in the future.
Adam Byrd
Dining Services Director
Adam joined the Mason Wright Dining services team with 10 years’ experience within the assisted living industry. Adam, prior to becoming a kitchen manager, has also worked as a dietary aide and chef. He has worked in a multitude of other settings, including, but not limited to, restaurants and hotels.
Adam is dedicated to creating a diverse and elevated dining menu and experience. He is always working with our residents through “Food for Thought” meetings to better tailor our menu to their likes and dislikes. Adam likes to keep the menu fresh, exciting, and balanced.
Adam has been cooking for 17 years, and has been educated by several executive chefs. He has a degree from the Connecticut Culinary Institute where he studied to become a chef.
Rubmod Thorpe-Bailey, LPN, BS, CDP
Health & Wellness Director
Ruby joined the Mason Wright management team with more than 10 years in the health field. Along with being an Assisted Living Health & Wellness director, Ruby has worked in the skilled nursing and hospice arenas. Prior to coming to Mason Wright, Ruby worked locally at Chapin Center Skilled Nursing & Rehab as a floor nurse.
She has been part of the Mason Wright team for over 14 years and she is passionate and dedicated towards helping others, which never gets old. and her door is always open if you need to know more about the services our Health & Wellness Department offers.
Ruby has a Bachelor of Science in Health Administration from Southern New Hampshire University.
Jerry Kele, CMM
Maintenance Director
Jerry joined Mason Wright with 30+ years of experience managing and directing contractors, maintenance and housekeeping crews of large residential, commercial and recreational properties in New England and along the East Coast. He is well-versed in all building trades and holds numerous related certifications. He has worked with some of the nation’s largest property management companies.
Jerry enjoys spending time with his family and has adorable twin grandchildren, Joshua and Noelle, who mean the world to him. He also enjoys traveling, especially to tropical climates, as well as going to the theater, golfing, biking and bowling. In the near future Jerry is hopes to be taking ballroom dance lessons with his lady, Valerie.
Jerry attended Springfield Technical Community College and the University of Massachusetts Amherst and holds degrees in Environmental Engineering and Occupational Safety and Health.
He is excited to bring his knowledge and skills to Mason Wright Senior Living and the mission and values it exemplifies.
Mariah Peets, ADC, CDP
Life Enrichment Director
Mariah joined the Mason Wright Team in 2022 starting as a Life Enrichment Assistant, and now serves as the Life Enrichment Director. She previously worked at Mont Marie Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center as an Activity Assistant where she facilitated and managed a variety of programming for the residents.
Mariah enjoys spending time with her family, especially her husband and son. She also enjoys traveling, kayaking, playing basketball and tennis, as well as scrapbooking and reading historical fiction.
Mariah is very passionate, energetic, and enthusiastic about applying a person-centered care approach with all her residents here at Mason Wright. Enriching one life at a time, by providing meaningful and purposeful activities.
Suzanne J. Laporte, MS, SHRM-CP, PHR
Corporate Director, Human Resources
Suzanne has been with Mason Wright Foundation since 2019 and supports Mason Wright Senior Living, Colony Care at Home and Bright Futures Early Learning Center. She has over 25 years’ experience in all aspects of human resources and has worked in the banking, healthcare, manufacturing, utility, restaurant, and transportation industries.
She is a current board member for the Human Resource Management Association (HRMA) of Western New England and serves as the board’s secretary and government affairs chair. Suzanne is a Certified Professional (SHRM-CP) and member of the Society of Human Resources (SHRM). She also is a Professional in Human Resources (PHR) and a member of the HR Certification Institute (HRCI). Suzanne holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from American International College, a Master of Science degree in Industrial/Organization Psychology and a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study in Counseling Services from Springfield College.
William Hawkins, MBA
Chief Financial Officer
Bill comes to the Mason Wright Foundation with over 25 years of experience in not-for-profit finance. Bill has extensive experience in leading financial operations teams, budgeting, project financing and financial reporting. He has found it personally rewarding to serve in institutions with strong commitments to their missions. His previous experience includes serving as Vice President for Finance and Administration at Albertus Magnus College and Associate Vice President for Finance at the University of Saint Joseph.
Bill enjoys spending time with his wife and family, including a daughter and 3 stepdaughters, as well as participating in outdoor activities.
Bill has a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting with a Minor in History from the University of Delaware and a Master’s of Business Administration from the University of Hartford.
Alan T. Popp, MS
Chief Executive Officer
Mason Wright Foundation
413-733-1517 x2011
Alan joined Mason Wright in 2008 when the Foundation trustees created the position of Chief Executive Officer. His previous experience includes Head of School/CEO at White Mountain School, a college preparatory school; and Chief Operating Officer at Pine River Institute, a residential treatment center. He has also served as a consultant to more than 200 New England nonprofits, many of them providers of services to seniors, and as a caregiver to a mother-in-law with Alzheimer’s.
He serves on the boards of LeadingAge/Massachusetts, Salvation Army-Citadel Corps, the Regional Employment Board of Hampden County, OnBoard, Inc., and on the Leadership Council of the Alzheimer’s Association of Massachusetts/New Hampshire. He also serves as a trustee of Antioch University New England and is a member of the Rotary Club of Springfield. Previously he served on the campaign cabinet for the United Way of Pioneer Valley.
The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization, governed by a Board of Trustees comprised of volunteer members and the Chief Executive Officer.
John Morse, Chair
President & Publisher, Merriam-Webster (Retired)
Alan Popp, M.S., President & CEO
President & CEO, Mason Wright Foundation
Allison Ebner, Vice President
President, Employers Association of the Northeast
Susan McCoy, J.D., Secretary
Partner, Halloran Sage
Jeff Sattler, Treasurer
Senior VP, Liberty Bank
Kathi Donahue
Senior VP, Polish National Credit Union
Emily Leonczyk
Executive VP & COO The Markens Group
Paul Marchese
Executive Vice President, St. Germain Investments
Carlton Pickron
Vice President Student Affairs, Westfield State University (Retired)
Our Board of Corporators is responsible for helping to preserve and promote the mission of our sponsor organization, Mason Wright Foundation. Corporators fulfill their responsibilities through advocacy, electing trustees, and voting on proposed changes to the bylaws. Many Corporators also serve on Board committees.
We are proud to have the following business, professional and community leaders on the Board of Corporators:
Michelle Abdow – Principal, Market Mentors
Judge William Abrashkin – Executive Director, Springfield Housing Authority
Susan Alston, Principal, Philanthropy Guild
Manny Andrade – Senior Vice President, People’s United Bank (Retired)
Grace Barone – President, ERC5 Chamber
Maura Brennan, MD – Director Geriatrics Consultation, Baystate Geriatric Medicine
Maegan Brooks, J.D. – Attorney, The Law Firm of Maegan Brooks
Thomas Burton – President & CEO, Hampden Bank (Retired)
Richard Cabral – Administrator, Wingate at Wilbraham
M. Trant Campbell, J.D. – Attorney, Annino, Draper & Moore
Sr. Mary Caritas – CEO, Mercy Hospital (Retired)
Janet P. Cartier, RN – Pediatric Nurse, Shriners Hospital (Retired)
Charles Casartello, Jr., Esq. – Attorney, Pellegrini, Seeley, Ryan & Blakesley
Helen Caulton-Harris – Director, Division of Health & Human Services, Springfield
Tony Cignoli – President, A. L. Cignoli Company
Bob Clarke – President, Chase, Clarke, Stewart & Fontana (Ret.)
Dawn Creighton – Regional Director of Membership, Assoc., Industries of MA
Mark Cress – Attorney, Bulkley Richardson
Frank Crinella – Senior Vice President & Group Manager, TDBank
Hyman Darling, Esq. – Attorney, Bacon & Wilson
Naren Dhamodharan – President, GDA Assisted Living Consultants
Kerry Dietz, AIA – Principal, Dietz & Company Architects
John Discenza, LLM – Attorney, Martinelli & Discenza
Russell Denver – HR Client Advisor, FieldEddy
Beth deSousa, CPA, CVA – Director of Audit, Moriarty & Primack
Antonio Dos Santos, Esq. – Attorney, CREAR, Chadwell, Dos Santos, & Devlin
Brenda Doherty, J.D., LL.M. – Attorney, Doherty, Wallace, Pillsbury & Murphy
Mary Beth Dowd – Director, Clinical Services, Greater Springfield Senior Services
Robin Dowd Zatony – Broker/Owner, Dowd Realty Group
Henry Downey – Commercial Lender, AVP, Chicopee Savings Bank
Tracy Duncan, J.D. – Attorney, Law Office of Tracy Duncan
Valerie Dulude, MSN, RN, LFD – Funeral Director, Dickinson-Streeter
Allison Ebner – President, Employers Association the Northeast
Melvin Edwards – City Councilor, City of Springfield
Michele Feinstein, J.D., LLM – Attorney, Shatz, Schwartz & Fentin
Michael Fenton, Esq. – City Councilor
John J. Ferriter, Esq. – Attorney, Ferriter & Ferriter
James Ferry, MSW, LICSW – President, Coaching Caregivers
Jeff Fialky, Esq. – Attorney, Bacon & Wilson
Rev. Bridget Fidler – Pastor, First Church of Christ, Congregational/Suffield
Mark E. Flowers – Pastor, Mount Calvary Baptist Church
Robert Fratar – Attorney, Fratar, Kern & Kelly
Paul Fritz – General Manager,
Thomas P. Frodema – President, The Appraisal Group
Ken Furst – President, Momentum Group
Debbie Gardner – Editor, Prime Magazine
James Garvey – Self-Employed
Robert J. Greeley – President, R.J. Greeley Company
Pat Grenier – Principal, BRR/Grenier Financial Advisors
Samuel Hanmer – President, FieldEddy Insurance
Mickey E. Harris, Esq. – Attorney, Hare, Stamm & Harris
Mary Anne Herron, Ed.D – Director of Special Projects, Harold Grinspoon Foundation
Frederick Hurst, Esq. – Publisher, African-American Point of View
Ronn Johnson – President & CEO, Martin Luther King, Jr. Family Services
Denise R. Jordan – Executive Director, Springfield Housing Authority
David Kalicka, CPA – Partner, Meyers Brothers Kalicka
Kate Kane – Managing Director, Northwestern Mutual
Thea Katsounakis – Vice President Philanthropic Management, Bank of America (Retired)
Richard Kos – Mayor, City of Chicopee
Emily Leonczyk – Executive Vice President, The Markens Group
Kathleen Lingenberg – Consultant, Community Outcomes
Morton Lynn, M.D. – New England Orthopedic Surgeons (Retired)
Paul Marchese – Senior Vice President, St. Germain Investments
Judith Matt – President, Spirit of Springfield
Michelle McAdaragh – Associate Executive Director, HAP Housing
Sue McCoy, Esq. – Attorney, Cooley Shrair
Will Miller – Auctioneer, Shamrock Auctions
Steve Mitus – Executive Vice President & CFO, Balise
John M. Morse – President & Publisher, Merriam-Webster (Retired)
Natalia Muñoz – Senior Partner, Dewberry Muñoz Communications
Wonda Murphy – President, City Enterprises, Inc.
Diane Nadeau – President, Action Business Services
Adrienne Osborn – Program Manager, Women’s Correctional Center
Nora Burke Patton – Executive Director, World Is Our Classroom
Archbishop Timothy Paul – Holy Communion of Churches
Melinda Pellerin-Duck – Director of Vocation Training, MCDI
Rus Peotter – President & General Manager, WGBY- Public TV for Western MA
Carlton Pickron, Ed. D. – Vice President, Student Affairs, Westfield State University
Alan Popp, M.S. – CEO, Mason Wright Foundation
Arlene Putnam – Consultant, Putnam Associates
Laurie Rosner, MBA – Chair, Undergraduate Business Programs, Bay Path University
Jeff Sattler – Senior Vice President, Savings Institute Bank & Trust
Ben Scranton, RCE, e-Pro – Executive Vice President, REALTOR® Association of Pioneer Valley (Retired)
Kevin Sears – Broker/Owner, Sears Real Estate
Elizabeth Sillin, J.D. – Attorney, Bulkley, Richardson and Gelinas
James Spinelli, CLU, ChFC – Financial Representative, Northwestern Mutual
Cheryl Stanley, Ed.D. – Dean, Department of Education, Westfield State University
Fred Steinman – President, Valpak
Paul Stelzer – President, Appleton Corporation
William F. Steplar – William F. Steplar Financial Services
Marc Sternick – Principal, Marc Sternick Architect
William F. Steplar – William F. Steplar Financial Services
Tina Stevens – Principal & Creative Director, Stevens 470
Eileen Sullivan, SSJ – Outreach Minister, St. Michael’s Cathedral
Michael Tarby – Vice-President, PIP Printing & Marketing Services
Henry Thomas – President, Urban League of Springfield
James Tourtelotte, Esq. – Managing Partner, Robinson, Donovan (Retired)
Robin Lyn Treger – Singer/Songwriter
Sabrina Woodgett – Director, Relationship Management Retirement Services, MassMutual (Retired)
Walter Woodgett – Financial Representative, B&L Financial Architects/OneAmerica
Victor Wooldridge – Vice President, Cornerstone Real Estate Advisers LLC
Tyler F. Young – CEO, W.F. Young
Note: Members of the Board of Trustees are also Corporators.
Members of our Professional Advisors Board are selected for their accomplishments and reputation in one or more of the following professions: CPA, elder law attorney, estate planning attorney and financial advisor.
Beth deSousa – Moriarty & Primack, Springfield
Paul Federici – Paul Federici & Associates, Inc., Longmeadow
David Kalicka – Meyers Brothers Kalicka, Holyoke
Jay O’Brien, President – J.M. O’Brien & Company, Springfield
Gina Barry – Bacon Wilson, Springfield
David G. Carlson – Law Office of David Carlson, East Longmeadow
Marcia Hess – Kraner & Hess, Avon
Carol Cloe Klyman, Attorney – Shatz, Schwartz & Fentin, Springfield
Karen Jackson – Jackson & Torrone, Holyoke
Sue McCoy – Cooley & Shrair, Springfield
Doug Peterson – Law Firm of Douglas R. Peterson, East Longmeadow
Brenda Doherty – Doherty, Wallace, Pillsbury & Murphy, Springfield
Hyman Darling – Bacon & Wilson, Springfield
John Discenza – Martinelli & Discenza, Longmeadow
Robert Fratar, Attorney – Fratar, Kern & Kelly, Springfield
Michele Feinstein – Shatz, Schwartz & Fentin, Springfield
John Ferriter – Ferriter & Ferriter, Holyoke
William Hart – Bulkley, Richardson & Gelinas, Springfield
Richard Kos, Attorney – Egan, Flanagan & Cohen, Springfield
Gus Large, Attorney – Law Office of Gus Large, South Windsor
Shannon McCarthy – Kenny Brimmer & Mahoney, Wethersfield
Todd Ratner – Bacon Wilson, Springfield
Elizabeth Sillin – Bulkley, Richardson and Gelinas, Springfield
Michael Simolo – Robinson Donovan, Springfield
David Webber – Shatz, Schwartz & Fentin, Springfield
Ron Weiss – Bulkley, Richardson and Gelinas, Springfield
Chris Borowiec, Sr VP US Trust, Hartford/Springfield
Geoffrey Croteau, CLTC – Charter Oak/MassMutual, Farmington/Holyoke
Simone Cunningham, CFP – Moriarty & Primack
Sweyden Dibble – Charles Schwab & Co, South Windsor
David Gerrol, LTCI Specialist – ACSIA, West Hartford
Pat Grenier – BRP/Grenier Financial Advisors, Springfield
Timberly Grout, Employee-Owner and VP – Trust Company of Vermont
Sam Hanmer – FieldEddy Insurance, East Longmeadow
Kate Kane – Northwestern Mutual, Springfield
David Lusteg, CFP, – Sr. Director Merrill Lynch, Springfield
Werner Maiwald – Renaissance Advisory Services, Wilbraham
Paul Marchese, Sr VP – St. Germain Investments, Hartford/Springfield
Pete Miller – Millbrook Benefits & Insurance, Springfield
Donald Mitchell – Northwestern Mutual
James Spinelli, CLU, ChFC – Northwestern Mutual, Springfield
William Steplar – AspenCross, Northampton
Thomas Sullivan – Morgan Stanley, West Hartford
Daniel Tarbell – Ameriprise, East Hartford
Matthew Woods Weber, CFP – Medallion Wealth Advisors, Farmington
Kathleen Bowen, MEd, GCM – Geriatric Solutions & Management, Holyoke
Joanne Craven Dunn,RN, C BSN – Geriatric Solutions & Management, Holyoke
Jim Ferry – Coaching Caregivers, Northampton
Liz Kapitulik, MSW – Clinical Case Management, Northampton
Phil Rischall – Family Care Consulting, Rocky Hill
Tricia Rapacki, ChFC – Edward Jones Investments, East Windsor, CT
Marc Sternick, Principal – Marc Sternick Architect, Florence
Michael Epaul – Michael Epaul Photography, Springfield
John Garaventa Garaventa Photography, Manchester
Mark Harrington – Horizon Home Mortgages, Windsor